Thursday, December 16, 2010

nu dis nu dat blablabla ..wateva..yark..

wateva, hahaha i read ur post abt new this, new that..blablabla n wateva.. i don think u shud mention it like it was a BIG BIG motion dat u ave made.. hahah c'mon la.. its just a basic 101 ok.. wat u need 2do is jst 1.on ur pc 2.cnnct to the net the web 2da applctn n 5. tadaaaaa!! it is a blog.. page.. twitt n so on.. 
eeuuuwww.. wat a weirdo.. 
kalu nak mention kat semue org u boleh wat ini..boleh wat itu.. eeeuww.. xperlu la..kalu xtau sbb tu la ade internet..jst klik n publish..moron!!! 

kamu, yee kamu... xpayah la nak gimik kemaen2 oii... i xde follower pon i xkisah..hahaha.. coz i'm not a poser like u DO~ 

special post for the girl who played go...